Folding Carton
Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, various substrate and printing techniques, we provide creative and cost-competitive folding cartons as one of packaging solution. As consumer demand for sustainability is getting stronger, we equip ourselves with upgraded technology and system to be able to produce recyclable packaging.

We produce labels with wide variety of finishing effects – matt, high gloss, one-side or two-side printing.

Printed matter for pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry can be highly specialized with dimensions, format, quality requirements, and safety aspects.

We provide broad range of tray solutions, glued, unglued,or Shelf Ready Pack, to meet the specific needs.

Blister Card
Blister cards have long been used in packaging industry, to package many things such as electronics and cosmetics. Special inks and coatings must be used to withstand high temperature while maintaing good bonding between the plastic and the paper.